Client: Mayfav is an imaginary cosmetics brand that offers high-quality skincare products with a vibrant, modern identity. The brand’s aesthetic is centred around a beautiful lilac colour palette, designed to evoke a sense of luxury, creativity, and calm. Goal for the Project: The goal was to create a striking, contemporary brand identity using lilac tones. Through mockups, I aimed to showcase how the brand's bold yet sophisticated look would translate across packaging and promotional materials. My Experience: I wanted Mayfav to feel fresh and luxurious, so I used lilac as the central colour to reflect both the vibrancy and calming qualities of the brand. The mockups were designed to demonstrate how this soft yet dynamic palette would shine across various touchpoints, bringing the brand to life. The Outcome: The mockups illustrate how the lilac colour palette creates an elegant yet modern look for Mayfav. The final designs convey a cohesive and vibrant brand identity, highlighting my ability to create impactful, high-quality mockups that effectively showcase a brand’s visual appeal.